Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Argus Leader Print vs NYTimes online

One article in the Argus Leader talks about an e-cigarette. There's an icon of a video camera with a mouse arrow icon over it telling you to go to argusleader.com to check out the demonstration of how these e-cigarettes work. I am kind of curious to see these in action, and would most likely click on the video if I were reading this article online, but I wouldn't get online after reading this article on paper.

I love the smell and feel of the paper and I romanticize the idea of reading newspapers and books from paper sources, but I find the paper format somewhat cumbersome. From a visual perspective, the online newspaper is laid out neatly on one page with convenient links that with a push of a button will lead you to the article you want to read. The paper format is easier on the eyes - the print on paper is easier to read, but handling it is awkward. Opened up, the paper usually blocks out the light source, and pages are always falling out of it. Also, using your nose to push the paper back at the crease so you can turn the page is not the most sophisticated gesture. The ads are huge in print and smaller online. There are more photos online and news can be up to the minute; the print photos are a bit hazy and the news can never be as current as online.

I feel bad for the struggling newspaper, but I believe it is a dying industry and it will be extinct soon.

1 comment:

  1. You might be right, Angie, but I hope not. I'm happy to shove my nose in the paper and crinkle it. The students at U Wyo when I was there used to all bring the student paper to the games and hold them up and rattle them as the opposing team was announced. When they finished announcing their names (nobody could hear) the students would crumple and throw all their papers onto the floor.
