Sunday, January 23, 2011

I Miss the Scent of Books

On average, I use my Macbook pro more than any other form of electronic media outlet. A close second is my Kindle. We use the television strictly for watching movies, approximately 1-4 movies a week, maybe some television series thrown in via netflix. I don't like long telephone conversations, so I keep cell phone usage to a minimum. I have a DSLR - Nikon D5000 - and have loads of photos sitting on my external hard drive that desperately want to have something done with them. Another blog perhaps?

I blast the iPod through our surround sound whenever I clean or when I am doing something that doesn't require any form of concentration - basically, when I'm not using any other form of media device - so not very often.

I like quiet while thinking and minimal distractions. I'm not one of those people that can study while listening to music through their earphones with the television on in the background.

I miss listening to NPR in the car during the daily commute. I feel isolated and out of touch with the world. I try to stay current reading NYTimes online, but that goes in spurts.

I miss the smell of books. Otherwise, the convenience and ease of use makes up for that now nostalgic heady fragrance.

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